“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” |
Dr. King Tour 2012
" By the time we leave for work we have been dependent on half the world. Modern America is created by dependecies on the inventions from the minds of Black folks"
- Dr. Martin L. King
We kick off the year with our Dr. King Tour 2012. Celebrating the man and his philosophy of self-determination. The Black Inventions Exhibit showcases the many dependecies Dr. King spoke about.
Woman History Month
Black Inventions Exhibit will be honoring Madame C.J. walker with a National Lecture Tour titled "I make my own opportunities" Madame C.J. Walker was a innovator, businesswoman and the first self-made American woman of any race or rank to become millionaire. Our Chief Curator delivers a powerful, motivating lecture about the life and times of this great Black Woman. He also shares the vital techniques that Madame C.J. walker used to become a successful millionaire.
Cinco De Mayo 2012
The Latino Heritage Museum will on the road celebrating "Cinco de Mayo" Teaching the world about Cinco de Mayo and our great Latino Achievers in America and the world.
Juneteenth 2012
All our exhibits will be on the road Celebrating Juneteenth- the freeing of the captured Africans here in America.
International Emancipation Day
On August 1, 1985, Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the world to declare a national holiday to commemorate the abolition of slavery. All exhibits travel to the jewel of the caribbean Trinidad & Tobago to celebrate this International holiday.
Hispanic Heritage Month 2012
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept.15-Oct 15)we will be touring nationally. The Latino Heritage Museum showcases the great achievers and contributors of the Latino community.
Elementary/Middle School Tour
What a great way to start fall term. Our exhibits represent the untold story about American History and all it's great contributors. What they never taught you in history class or science class is the on going theme for our school presentations.
England Black History Celebration
In honor of England’s Black History Month (October) BIE will be touring the United Kingdom. The Black Inventions Exhibit is gaining international acclaim since their successful Middle East Tour.
Native American Heritage Month
The “Trail of Tears” national tour maps the rich cultural journey of America’s first people. The traveling exhibit brings to life several important events and historical accounts which contextualize the Native American experience. The Native American Exhibit is a perfect for all celebrations.
Kwanzaa Tour
In December Black Inventions Exhibit begins it's Kwanzaa Tour focusing on one of the seven principles -Kuumba (Creativity). Kuumba is to do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. This is the spirit of all Black inventors to express their creativity through inventions to benefit the world.
To find out how to book one of our exhibits click here